Il music video di “Oceangrave”, dall’album “Deep Water Flames (DWF)” di prossima uscita (Australis Records).

Oceangrave has been choosen has 2nd single from “Deep Water Flames”, to be released by the Chilean record label Australis Records.

DWF was produced by Luis Soto (Target – Guitar) and Erick Martinez (Cries, Testigo, Cabrio) at Orange Studios Orange in Santiago de Chile and mixed by Erick Martinez. For the mastering process, Target decided to work under the expert vision of the wolrdwide awarded swedish producer Jens Bogren (Opeth, Katatonia, Daylight Dies, Bloodbath) at Fascination Street Studios in Sweden.

The french artist Dehn Sora, known by his work with several avant-gard and black metal bands such as Blut Aus Nord, Manes, Ulver, Deathspell Omega and Code, was in charge of the artistic vision behind Deep Water Flames.

DWF includes the guest colaboration of two of the greatest Hard Core and Doom Metal local artists; Jerónimo Ruiz (Entrefuego) and Juan Escobar (Ex Mar de Grises).

Deep Water Flames Tracklist;

2-Inverted Gloaming (Feat; Juan Escobar de Mar de Grises)
3-No Solace Arises
5-Surge Drift Motion
7-Drowned in an Everlasting Mantra
9-Random Waves (Feat; Jeronimo Ruiz de Entrefuego)

-O C E A N G R A V E –

Fourth track of Deep Water Flames in its journey to the abyss.

As part of an analogy and, translated into a conceptual story, Oceangrave plunges us into exile, memories and destiny as some of the topics covered by Deep Water Flames in its history. Concept merged within the melodies in crescendo, created as an experiment several years ago.

Oceangrave; it goes beyond its meaning; A grave for oceans, where they can lay to death. It takes us to disappointments buried within us and the decisions we make to get away trying to find our own ways.

– From atmospheres full of convictions, we throw ourselves into a free fall towards uncertainties so to stop at the surface of memories, and only from there the exile begins to germinate.

Band Contact;

Label Info;
Australis Records